
         Life is getting more and more boring now. I Always think what would happen if I leave the school, I give up everything I am familier with or even I am dead. I hate this kind of life, boring, arid and insipid. There are only tests, tests, and more tests. I have missed several exhibitions as a result of tests....

         Recently, I found that my inspiration of writting guadually withers away. Every time I seat myself at the desk, looking at my test paper, I always have nothing but blank in my head. Where are ideas gone? I am in terror of that. My writting is not well in itself actually, but it seems to be worse than ever. Maybe that's because I devoted myself to studying too much. Nevertheless, my score doesn't reflect what I have studied...

         Each time I'm requested to write, I always can't finish on time. Several times, I was on the edge of crackup. I can't understand why most people can do while I can't. It's a heavy blow to me....... I have tried..... I have no idea about what I can do now....


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